Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: Delicious! I didn’t have a cookie scoop, so I had to use an ice cream scoop instead. Mine didn’t flatten like the pictures show, and they’re a little brittle. I think smaller cookies would...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: I made crockpot roast and potatoes tonight. It was also my first attempt at gravy. It didn’t thicken much, but it was tasty. For potatoes I decided to do the hasselback. I just did an...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: Well I found something my wondrous Vitamix does not do that well. The mixture this recipe creates is a thick chunky paste that ends up mostly stuck under the blades of the blender. It did an OK job, but I’m...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: So this is actually two complementary recipes. I made them yesterday. First the custard: Crap! It didn’t look anything like the picture. It was only the faintest yellow, and...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: These are delicious—assuming you like coconut! The recipe called for a 9×13 pan, but since all my brownies so far have been too skimpy on the batter, I went with an 8×11.5 pan. Well as luck would...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: These are essentially frozen custards. They are delicious, but mine didn’t look anything like the pictures. First, I didn’t have large muffin tins. I used cupcake tins instead. My diced...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: This was divine! I didn’t have any bittersweet chocolate, so I made it with straight semi-sweet. (My research says they’re very similar.) I did end up buying some proper...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: This is one of my “cheating” recipes that use box mixes. Again, there never seems to be enough batter! Even with an 8×8 pan I couldn’t quite cover the Oreo layer....
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: The recipe calls for a 9×13 pan. There is no way this makes enough batter for a pan that big. An 8×8 pan is more than sufficient. I lined my pan with foil because the recipe called for it....
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: I’ve had a hard time finding low-carb bread recipes, and the flax was the first one I found. I’ve never had flax before. I knew I was in trouble when I opened the bag of flax seed meal. Pew! Nasty!...