Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: Woohoo! They worked and tasted great! Gotta love the buttercream filling! First the cookies: Nothing unusual here. Note that the dough is very dry and barely holds together. They cooked up great and...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: I made this recipe twice to try the different methods. I first did it exactly as the recipe says: in the microwave. The result was more what you see in the picture. It’s a whiter...
Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series. Original recipe: This post finally catches me up through yesterday. I am not a cheesecake fan, but because I love my wife, I brought some cheesecake recipes too. This was my first attempt....
As you may or may not know, Adele and I are currently travelling. We moved into a storage unit and hit the road. Our first stop has been a family member’s hunting resort in Vanderhoof, BC, to take care of their seven daughters while the parents are off in the bush for two months. (<shamelessPlug>Interested in black...
Rating: 4/5 Jakob Nielsen & Kara Pernice, Eyetracking Web Usability (Berkeley, CA: New Riders, 2010). If you’re a web designer, then you really owe it to yourself to at least check this book out from the local library and read it once. The list price of $70+ dollars is a little more than I would want to spend, but if...
Rating: 4/5 John B. Thompson, Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2010) This book discusses the history, current state, and possible future of trade publishing in the US and UK. This book does not discuss at length academic or STM publishing—he does that in...
Rating: 4/5 Douglas R. Hofstadter, Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern (New York: Basic Books, 1986). This book (revised again in 1996) is a collection of the columns Douglas Hofstadter wrote for Scientific American in 1981–83. The columns are grouped by topic and each is followed by a...
Rating: 4/5 Steve Krug, Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd ed. (Berkeley, CA: New Riders). Krug’s book on web design is terrific. It’s a nice edition in full colour with lots of illustrations. Whether you’re a novice designer trying to build your first web site or a seasoned veteran,...

Rating: 3/5 Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D., The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World (New York: Workman, 2002). If you even think you might be an introvert, then this book will be of some value to you. The book’s goal is to help you determine if you’re introverted, explain what exactly that means, help...

Rating: 5/5 Gary Taubes, Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011). If you wanted to read Taubes’s book Good Calories, Bad Calories (GCBC) but were put off by the 500 pages of small print, then immediately go out and get this book. This is a distillation of GCBC crammed into just over 200...