This is part of my 2015 series on podcasts I’m currently listening to . This post lists podcasts about my favourite pastime: gaming. There are tons of great boardgaming podcasts that I just don’t have time to listen to. To find more boardgaming podcasts that I don’t list here, the best place to start is the Dice Tower Network .
The list is in alphabetical order. The name of the podcast is linked to the feed itself (what you’d copy and paste into your podcast app). The “(info)” link will take you to the podcast’s homepage, where available. The “content” field tries to give you an idea what to expect as to language or disturbing content. As for ratings, clearly I like the podcast at least somewhat or I wouldn’t have it on the list at all, so I’m going with a 3-star system.
- Three stars means I look very forward to the next episode and almost always listen to the entire episode.
- Two stars are ones I still really enjoy, but I sometimes skip at least parts of the episode, maybe even half.
- One stars are podcasts that I feel are hit and miss. I will routinely skip sections of the podcast and occasionally skip an entire episode.
- Podcasts marked with the
icon are über favourites. These are the ones I think just about everybody should listen to.
Again, let me know if you have any questions, and don’t hesitate to make suggestions for other podcasts I should listen to.
- Rating: 2/3
- Frequency: every 2 weeks
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Content: family friendly
In this podcast, two couples discuss board games. Good humour and diverse viewpoints.
- Rating: 2/3
- Frequency: Mondays and Thursdays
- Duration: 30–40 minutes
- Content: occasional mild language
In this video gaming podcast, Scott Johnson (of Frogpants) talks about gaming news.
- Rating: 3/3
- Frequency: weekly
- Duration: 60–90 minutes
- Content: family friendly
The ur-podcast; the granddaddy. If you enjoy boardgaming, then this is the one podcast you need to follow. I discover so many great games through this podcast, and it’s funny to boot. A must for boardgamers.
- Rating: 2/3
- Frequency: weekly
- Duration: 90–120 minutes
- Content: occasional mild language
This is primarily a video game podcast, but it has a boardgaming segment at the end of each episode.
- Rating: 3/3
- Frequency: monthly
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Content: family friendly
A hilarious show that reviews cheesy old boardgames. They end every episode with an even funnier “battle of wits” game show. So many laughs! I love this podcast.
- Rating: 3/3
- Frequency: weekly
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Content: very occasional strong language
This is a video game podcast with occasional discussions of board games. I really like the hosts and their interactions. It’s great when you can find a good combination of humour and serious journalism. Great stuff.
- Rating: 3/3
- Frequency: weekly
- Duration: 60 minutes (full episodes); 5–10 minutes (GameTek episodes)
- Content: family friendly
As its name suggests, this is a scientific look at board games. How do they work? What are the maths behind certain mechanics? It also discusses game design.
- Rating: 2/3
- Frequency: every 2 weeks
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Content: occasional mild language
Another discussion of video gaming news.
- Rating: 1/3
- Frequency: 1–2 weeks
- Duration: 60–90 minutes
- Content: family friendly
This is a podcast put out by a game company itself: Plaid Hat Games. Their interest to me is hit and miss, but I really love the podcasters themselves, and whenever I tune in I have lots of fun. They don’t just talk about their own games. They also talk about games they’re playing and field questions about game design and the board game business.
The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast (info )
- Rating: 1.5/3
- Frequency: 1–2 weeks
- Duration: 3 hours (full episodes); 1 hour (short episodes)
- Content: occasional mild language
This super-long podcast talks about boardgaming and RPGs. I routinely skip the second half about RPG topics.
- Rating: 1/3
- Frequency: monthly
- Duration: 2–3 hours
- Content: family friendly
This show explores a handful of games in great depth. Their Spiel des Jahres episodes are great.