This is part of my 2015 series on podcasts I’m currently listening to . This post lists podcasts about general tech and geek-related topics.
The list is in alphabetical order. The name of the podcast is linked to the feed itself (what you’d copy and paste into your podcast app). The “(info)” link will take you to the podcast’s homepage, where available. The “content” field tries to give you an idea what to expect as to language or disturbing content. As for ratings, clearly I like the podcast at least somewhat or I wouldn’t have it on the list at all, so I’m going with a 3-star system.
- Three stars means I look very forward to the next episode and almost always listen to the entire episode.
- Two stars are ones I still really enjoy, but I sometimes skip at least parts of the episode, maybe even half.
- One stars are podcasts that I feel are hit and miss. I will routinely skip sections of the podcast and occasionally skip an entire episode.
- Podcasts marked with the
icon are über favourites. These are the ones I think just about everybody should listen to.
Again, let me know if you have any questions, and don’t hesitate to make suggestions for other podcasts I should listen to.
- Rating: 3/3
- Frequency: weekly
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Content: very occasional mild language
Another Frogpants show where Scott and Tom have various guests to discuss the week’s geek news. The pop quiz segment is the best.
- Rating: 3/3
- Frequency: weekdays
- Duration: 45–60 minutes
- Content: family friendly
And another Frogpants show! Tom brings on a rotation of guests and discusses current tech news. Tom does a great job of explaining complex topics and is very balanced in his approach.
- Rating: 2/3
- Frequency: roughly monthly
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Content: family friendly
If you use InDesign, this is a great resource. Lots of humour and good content (but lots of advertising, too).