This article was originally published on The Editors’ Weekly , the official blog of the Editors’ Association of Canada .
This article was originally published on The Editors’ Weekly , the official blog of the Editors’ Association of Canada .
Just to clarify, this rant is intended for people interested in professional document production. My new life’s mission is to convince the publishing world to move to a plain-text-based, XML workflow. Here’s the dirty little secret: InDesign (and even, *sighs*, QuarkXpress ) is no harder to learn than Word . In many...

Rating: 4/5 Eleanor Harman, Ian, Montagnes, Siobhan McMenemy, and Chris Bucci (eds.), The Thesis and the Book: A Guide for First-Time Academic Authors, 2nd edition (University of Toronto Press, 2003). Writing a PhD dissertation? Finished writing? Hope to publish it (or part of it) in book form? Then you must read this...